Saturday, July 16, 2011


Portulaca is a flower that my Grandmother and Great Grandmother loved planting in their gardens due to their variety of color. They are an easy flower to grow and you can enjoy the blooms all summer. They thrive in dry soil, because of their succulent type leaves.

They don't grow very tall, usually no taller than 6 inches (depending on variety). They make an excellent border plant do to their low growth.
 Portulaca can be grown very easily from their tiny little seeds. The trick is to lightly sprinkle the seeds over the top of the soil then gently mix the top 1/4 inch layer. Planting them too deep won't work. You can also take cuttings and root them fairly easily.

The photo above is a wonderful example of how i've used the portulaca this year to border my herb garden. They greet me every morning with lovely blooms!

These are planted in a small planter.

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