Some of my earliest memories revolve around gardening with my Granny Em and my mom. Most of this revolved around houseplants. Spider plants, snake plants, geraniums (normally outdoor, but they winter in the house fairly well), African violets. If it could grow roots watch out! Mom would grow specific plants which were set aside so i could be handed a scissor and hack away at them. Unusual yes. Wonderful DOUBLE YES! It kept me from hacking away at any of the more important plants. We would have little containers near the sink with single leaves, bound in the water by root tendrils waiting to be planted in dirt. As soon as the weather outside allowed it, everything would be moved out to the porch where plants, that were semi alive in the house, could flourish!
Here I am. Many years later touching plants whose great ancestors built my childhood memories. And every season I learn something new. Something more exciting. It is in this gardening world that I continue building on my knowledge and exploring new things. It is these plants that I want to share with you and hope that I can impart something, even if it is very small that you can grow with.